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Online information session explaining the new features of the latest call for applications for the ‘Impulsem el que Fas’ grants

The call for applications was published in the BOPB on 1 August, together details of the terms and conditions.

19/08/2024 - 12:50 h - City Council Ajuntament de Barcelona

The eighth edition of ‘Impulsem el que Fas’ has a budget of 2.6 million euros, which will be used to cover up to 80% of the cost of new projects led by entrepreneurs and rooted in the city’s neighbourhoods and districts. Once again, these will include sustainable food and responsible consumption projects. Initiatives presented in category 5, which corresponds to this field, will be awarded a maximum of 43,000 euros.

This year grants will be allocated according to the chronological order in which applications are received, provided that they meet the requirements established in the terms and conditions governing the call, as published in the BOPB on 1 August. These can be found here (in the reference documents and links section).

Registration for the session

To provide information about major new features and clear up any doubts that may arise concerning this call for applications, Barcelona Activa is organising a number of information sessions during the month of September. A specific information session on category 5 will be held on 3 September from 12 noon to 2 pm (prior registration is required).

In the meantime, if you should have any queries please contact

How to apply for a grant

Grant applications must be made via the Barcelona Activa website once the request has been lodged at the Virtual Procedures Office. The application period will open in September and will run until 15 October or until the budget has been allocated.

Another grant that may be of interest

You may also be interested to know that the regulatory bases have been approved for grants aimed at promoting the transformation of the Catalan agri-food and fisheries system in line with the Catalan Food Strategy 2021-2026. More information on these grants can be found here.