The district of Sant Andreu is made up of seven neighbourhoods where you can follow the footsteps of its rural and industrial past.

The district of Sant Andreu preserves the rural and industrial legacies of the areas of which it is comprised. A stroll down its streets enables you to get a sense of the generations of workers who left their mark on each of the seven neighbourhoods.
Sant Andreu de Palomar invites you to explore this past through the Fabra i Coats complex, an old textile factory reinvented as a cultural space, and Casa Bloc, an architectural gem of Catalan rationalism. You can delve more deeply into the subject in La Sagrera by visiting its Nau Ivanow, now a facility dedicated to research in the performing arts, and Parc de la Pegaso, a former vehicle factory.

The histories of the “Indians” [Catalans who left for the Americas to make their fortune and later returned] and the International Eucharist Congress held in Barcelona merge in the El Congrés i els Indians neighbourhood, while the adjacent Navas neighbourhood bears testimony to the urban growth of the 20th century.
You can still find traces of workers’ dwellings in Bon Pastor, known as cases barates [cheap homes], together with the current activity of the industrial estate, and Baró de Viver is a living testimony of the relocation of residents to new blocks of buildings with the disappearance of the cheap homes model. Last but not least, La Trinitat Vella preserves the essence of a rural suburb and resident protest movements that complement the district's overall character.