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Fossar de les Moreres

Download date: 20/02/2025


Next to the Church of Santa Maria del Mar is a square that is both a historical enclave and a national symbol of Catalonia: the Fossar de les Moreres.

  • Cultural heritage

The beginning of the end

On 11 September 1714, during the War of the Spanish Succession, Barcelona surrendered to the Bourbon troops after 13 months of resistance and Philip V triumphantly entered the city. A harsh repression of both the populace and the Catalan institutions followed. Over time, 11 September became the National Day of Catalonia, the Diada, and the Fossar de les Moreres cemetery became the setting for annual political, social and cultural events.

Defenders of the homeland

At the side separating the square from the street, Carrer de Santa Maria, you can read an inscription taken from the famous poem by Frederic Soler Pitarra, paying tribute to those who fell during the siege:

“Al fossar de les moreres / no s’hi enterra cap traïdor; / fins perdent nostres banderes / serà l’urna de l’honor” (In the graveyard of the mulberry trees / no traitor is buried / Even if we lose our flags / it will be our urn of honour)

These lines, which also appear on a commemorative plaque at the back of the square in the shade of the mulberry trees, refer to an episode during the siege, when apparently the gravedigger and his grandson refused to bury the corpse of an enemy soldier, despite the fact that he belonged to the same family (he was the son of the gravedigger and father of the grandson).

From a more universal perspective, the Fossar de les Moreres could be interpreted as a reminder of all anonymous combatants, a kind of tomb of the unknown soldier similar to those in other European cities.

The cemetery is right in the middle of the Ribera neighbourhood, surrounded by historical buildings and places of great heritage interest, such as the Church of Santa Maria del Mar itself, Carrer de Montcada and Passeig del Born, where centennial shops stand next to fashion boutiques.

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Location and contact

Location and contact

Fossar de les Moreres

Pl Fossar de les Moreres, 1*21
Ciutat Vella
Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera

Timetable and prices


Es tracta d'un espai molt significatiu per a la història de Catalunya ja que en aquest antic cementiri de l'església de Santa Maria del Mar van ser enterrats els caiguts durant l'11 de setembre de 1714. La pressió demogràfica provocà la desaparició del fossar, tot seguint un procés similar a la resta de cementiris intramurs iniciat a principi del segle XIX, quan se suprimiren els cementiris parroquials. Posteriorment, s'urbanitzà. L'any 1983 l'Ajuntament de la ciutat va endegar un projecte de remodelació del sector a càrrec de l'arquitecta Carme Fiol. Posteriorment, el 2001, es va col·locar el peveter, obra d'Alfons Viaplana, està sempre encès en record i homenatge als qui van caure i ser enterrats en aquest indret.

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